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Music - a new front in entertainment

This is the headline in an article on Hotel Management's online edition and it is music to our ears :-) It states that "Though video likely will remain the heart of most hotels’ in-room entertainment strategy for a while to come, changing habits and advancing technology present another front: music".

If the above resonates with you, then the Merchants has your back. We have several Bluetooth loudspeaker solutions that sparks awe and joy among hotel guest. We also have even bigger systems for suites and restaurants.

The Merchants represents Vifa in the hospitality sector, and Vifa is already a popular hotel item. Vifa's range of Bluetooth loudspeakers is already a popular surprise at design hotels in the US, Europe, and Asia. The Vifa's feature longlasting technology, and due to their timeless design, they will be a fresh experience for years to come.

Contact us for more details and copy of Vifa's new Hospitality catalog.


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